You’ve come to the right place if you’ve ever wondered how to order on Jumia, pay online or pay on delivery, and have it delivered to your home address or picked up yourself.
For those who are unsure about paying online, these steps will walk you through the process and guide you on how to order on Jumia and pay on delivery.
Go on the internet and open your web browser and enter or download and install the Jumia App on your phone. Jumia App can be got from Google Play Store.
Select the category of the item or product that you are interested in ordering or directly search for it in the Jumia bar. For example, if you want Hisense TV Screen search for it in the search bar.
- Select Product(s). Select a product variable or the product size.
- Add to cart
- Click On The Cart Basket and tap on the checkout button
- Log in with your Jumia account or create an account if you don’t have one).
- Update your address. This is where your item(s) will be delivered. Also, select the shipping method you want
- Select your payment method. This can be MTN MoMo or Cash On Delivery
- Confirm your order
- Congratulations! Your order was successfully submitted.
A confirmation email has been sent to you and our customer care service will contact you shortly to verify your order. Remember to always note down your order number.
Thank you for the wonderful services rendered. Yesterday, I placed an order for A gas cylinder (Stabex)around Mbarara & I got it within 30 min.